Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Help Fedor pay with credit or why I still went to the second part of the Inhabited Islands

Make a birthday present chief bablorubu!.

Until I heard the news that Bondarchuk Jr. running for creditors. And my limit for charity in April was not exhausted. So we finally bought a ticket and visited that sight. Not the least played a role in motivation, and a review of the movie shit: not exactly laudatory, but not as devastating as the first part of.

Oddly enough, but the hall was empty for more than half. For Sunday evening the situation is a nonsense. Perhaps surprisingly warm weather, was already the third day, confused plans for collections in theaters, and people prefer to spend time at sea than in the dusty cinema halls.

Cinema, as expected, was dull. Like last time, did not have enough drive, much could be cut without sacrificing the narrative. Some moments of laughter and irritation caused. Although, I must pay tribute to the film was a bit podrihtovan compared with the first part.

I gave the second part of the understanding that all is wrong with the PA in the performance of Theodore. The film has spoiled. popular print. If Maxim Camerer good, he is infinitely good in all circumstances. If the Council naive fool, it meganaivnaya superdura. If the Attorney General sugary fag, fag, he is so what I want to cry. On the whole movie is more or less controversial figure Wanderer, and she breaks into a puddle at the end of banal bureaucratic crap.

You can forgive a fight in the style of the first matrix but also made ​​at the Indian Film 70. You can forget about the tanks with the hatches on the bolt. You do not pay attention to the weaknesses of poorly written special effects textures. You can spit and forget about the art-house crowd in costumes, which gives the impression that only residents and busy that juggling things and sitting on the streets.

But here's the acting in the productions made ​​by forcing screaming with anguish: ... A person can not live within a single emotion. When the world gathers unprecedented cash Dark Knight, F. B. making a film on the level of the first Batman. Although what's the first Batman.

Although it's me. God be with him, with the next breakthrough in Russian fantasy genre. Catch a movie, help collect Federal treasury, and that in fact the other, lesser-known filmmakers do not give money for a new film. And it's even worse than a half hour of torture dark screen.


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