Monday, March 19, 2012

Windows Mobile smartphones Nokia?

news_13856_2_MDAs you know, the world is now popular two operating systems for smartphones and communicators - is Nokia's Symbian and Windows Mobile from Microsoft. Each of them has its fans and its haters. Traditionally the first operating system installed on mobile devices from Nokia, while the second has a much wider range of companies using it in their devaysakh. Everyone was happy with this state of affairs. Nobody ever thought that maybe in the near future we will see the first smartphone with the label Nokia, running Windows Mobile. However, it is likely destined to be, as now, according to marketing director of Microsoft, John Starkuezera (John Starkweather), negotiations between Nokia and Microsoft.

Companies have not yet come to an agreement, but no one denies that it is possible. Moreover, the positive outcome of this case is almost obvious, since it is beneficial to both parties. Nokia will be able to conquer new markets and, therefore, potential new customers who prefer Windows Mobile, and Microsoft will increase the spread of its already popular operating system, which must swipe their main competitor, the Apple. We will wait for further developments.

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