Today we must.
- Buy e-tickets on the plane - DO.
- Take dibs on the client - DO.
- To pay the loans - DID half.
- To make the two sites from scratch,.
- Finish the two sites - one did,.
- Draw the two models - and have NO IDEA natyrit coat of arms of Russia for business cards somewhere,.
- Sit at the satellitH - accumulated bugs and suggestions.
- Arrange setlinks code on their sites - it does not want - is it ebalovo (! ).
- Ready to run fifteen sites ( earn Interface ) in the index - make ten,.
- Buy domenchegi for satellites (like me can 115r. to buy them - try ).
- Clean the purchase link to Sapa - NIGHT WILL BESSONOV.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Made me otsypnoy
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I bought 20 to 105 rubles domenchegov
Came up with another Mulka for version 1. 3. 3 Satkha. Buyers will get this button Salvage. ) Ha. Editor 's necessary to have a. He will have Satkha megainstrumentom Moneymaker.
House renovation started, and now I sit covered in debris. It is necessary to tighten and make it.
Again, mending broken off from the company - on a Saturday to do it no one. In short, set two places and companies in the unfinished 'll take an extended maintenance.
We still get a loan to pay - dinamlyu second week. Just something ohrenel. Well, I do not blame their ATMs to receive the money does not work - and stand in line at the cashier I had no time. Today, collecting bottles in the apartment reddsa. 9 pieces. Three liters of cider beer. Something I was drawn to the sweet.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sale Zebrum CMS at the club
Cost for klubchan - 92WMZ ( about 2800r. - oftsena. 3450. ). Link to buy can be found in 'Your licenses ':. http://bablorub. ru /? type = 30.
After purchase you will need:.
- Activate the key club.
- Activate within the corporate site Zebrum.
Learn more about the system:. http://zebrum. ru.
And good news for individual dealers: your premium amount to 15% on every sale outside the club or 16,8 WMZ with each transaction. Get a reference to the sale will be soon on the page and if authorized dealers in the club.
As a bonus, all users receive Zebrum CMS program Zorro Links ( description and screenshots:. http://blog. zebrum. ru / zorrolinks /. ).
The program is tied to the license Zebrum CMS, download Zorro Links can be in the ' Personal Account ' on ofsayte.
For those who are not in the club - you can get into it, making his first purchase was Zebrum CMS. It's enough to get an invite to. link. Price nominated in WMZ, but it is official. After buying - Invite to activate the main page of the club and a link to a site Zebrum (see. description of the product after purchase). T. e. Now buyers zebruma automatically come to the club.
Good shopping!.
Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.
The British Government will close the extremist sites
The British Government has announced that it will close the extremist Web sites as a strategy to combat terrorism.
According to Jackie Smith (Jacqui Smith), interior minister of Great Britain, this kind of web page support for terrorist activities and negatively affect the youth, the Guardian.
Jacqui Smith is planning to hold a meeting with representatives of the largest providers of Internet services in the UK to develop a strategy to eliminate extremist sites.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Stylish gift USB flash drives for girls Valentine's Day
For some reason there is a perception that the best gift in such a romantic holiday, as Valentine's Day will be flowers and candy - most young people are confident that they are crazy about all the girls. But the days of sitting by the window with the needlework are long gone, and quite a large percentage of the fair sex prefers commonplace technical novelty chocolate. So why not add a bouquet of flowers with a box of new USB flash drives.
Pexagon Company has released a special new collection as a set of three storage capacity of 1 or 2 GB. Each flash drive has an original engraving on the body color. The set includes purple disk with a pattern in the form of butterflies, lime green with a pattern of ... The cost of packaging stylish flash drives with a capacity of 1 gigabyte of $ 45 with a capacity of 2 gigabytes - $ 60. PexagonTech also released a ...
Price: $ 45, 60.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
In Belgium, the SMS service helps to avoid the Breathalyzer
Drunken motorists in the Belgian city of Ghent now need not worry that will be stopped by the police and they will have to blow into a tube for passing the test for alcohol - they can receive text messages on the exact location of the police, local media reported.
A certain company that dispatch sports news on mobile phones, has offered its customers a new service - send them via SMS messages, information on the exact location of police patrols on the streets.
Each such warning message will cost 1.5 euros to the client, but it is much cheaper than the fine for driving while intoxicated, which ranges from 250 euros or more, depending on the degree of intoxication, and involves a temporary disqualification from driving.
The police of the city, for its part, is now studying whether there are legal grounds for filing a lawsuit against the company.
New Year's holidays Belgian police warned that it would be particularly strict checking drivers for alcohol. Belgium has one of the highest in Europe, mortality rates in road accident.
RIA Novosti.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Tabs in Google Translate
In. Google Translate. appeared tabs. In what sense? . It is this kind of tabs and appeared in all the languages in Translator ( together watching a screen above). To activate one or another language, just click on it from the standard list. He immediately appear in the tabs!.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My new article...
Fritz once read Morgen often, then he switched to pedaling threads Juvenal, became less and less to look. But the stats on my blog I watch regularly. And I see a few hits to the blog, as it turned out, from the correct and more thoughtful commentators new article by Oleg Makarenko (the name Morgen in life). Ohuel. from the insolence and zaskrinil.
when. Davydov. fright from some drunk. this. article without reference to the author, I took it calmly. Although it was unpleasant, but commentators quickly corrected. Now it turns out that it has not yet, I wrote. Just no words!.
UPD. News Number 3 is removed. The incident has been exhausted. Although the explanation is quite strange.
UPD2. has gone. full clinic. by Davydov.
Google will soon change the look of our ' community '
Developers of social networking. Google Plus. decided to slightly modify the display of their users in order to make it easier to navigate and find their friends and acquaintances.
As the figure shows, the designers removed the names of communities in the far left column, which should facilitate a purely visual navigation on them. In addition, it will much easier to find interesting pages immediately, brands, and immediately add them to your.
There will also be implemented more convenient search contacts by means of service Gmail. Timing the release of the visual updates are not announced, but I think the release is just around the corner!.
For selling links banyat
Let's just say there are two factors at the site that have a significant impact on its presence in the index - to, say, a trust (prescription, a reference, the uniqueness of the material) and the number of outbound links (we are selling links).
Once the trust factor / number of outbound is not in your favor - the site falls under the filter. If the value exceeds the limit - falls out of the index.
What is the basis? . Kopipast old - alive. Kopipast new - not in index. Unico, where there are few options or not - alive. Unico, which sold a lot of options - not in the index. The site, littered with cellars links, but very old in the UC and the unique hand- written educational material - alive. Kopipastny old site with a high reference - alive. Kopipastny site with a small reference - under the filter. In general, the sample is enough for.
Conclusion: if the site is needed in the index Yandex - need less to sell, to build up a reference on it and wait until they grow old domain. Well and good if all the content will be unique. If you do not feel like waiting and start the race - who is faster - you glanders or Yandex from the index, you do not care about the rules and everything we put into. Golden dorostroeniya principle has not been canceled, and in this case, the primitive. Especially as included in the index and frame such sites are kept for a long time and even give a meaningful traffic.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Google Image Ripper, easy search for pictures with a quick opportunity to download them
Google Image Ripper. improves image search tools Google and allows you to not only safely and easily find the right image, but also download it in a single click to your PC, and view all search results as thumbnails, using the system. Lightbox.
This resource is not affiliated with Google. So do not think it's some kind of sub-section ' search giant to find pictures! .
Safe Mode. - Enable secure mode.
Image Size. - Picture size: large, medium and icon.
Show image location URL. - Show \\ hide the link to the source image.
Do not show broken images. - Do not show the damaged image.
Show more results. - Show more results.
Help Fedor pay with credit or why I still went to the second part of the Inhabited Islands
Make a birthday present chief bablorubu!.
Until I heard the news that Bondarchuk Jr. running for creditors. And my limit for charity in April was not exhausted. So we finally bought a ticket and visited that sight. Not the least played a role in motivation, and a review of the movie shit: not exactly laudatory, but not as devastating as the first part of.
Oddly enough, but the hall was empty for more than half. For Sunday evening the situation is a nonsense. Perhaps surprisingly warm weather, was already the third day, confused plans for collections in theaters, and people prefer to spend time at sea than in the dusty cinema halls.
Cinema, as expected, was dull. Like last time, did not have enough drive, much could be cut without sacrificing the narrative. Some moments of laughter and irritation caused. Although, I must pay tribute to the film was a bit podrihtovan compared with the first part.
I gave the second part of the understanding that all is wrong with the PA in the performance of Theodore. The film has spoiled. popular print. If Maxim Camerer good, he is infinitely good in all circumstances. If the Council naive fool, it meganaivnaya superdura. If the Attorney General sugary fag, fag, he is so what I want to cry. On the whole movie is more or less controversial figure Wanderer, and she breaks into a puddle at the end of banal bureaucratic crap.
You can forgive a fight in the style of the first matrix but also made at the Indian Film 70. You can forget about the tanks with the hatches on the bolt. You do not pay attention to the weaknesses of poorly written special effects textures. You can spit and forget about the art-house crowd in costumes, which gives the impression that only residents and busy that juggling things and sitting on the streets.
But here's the acting in the productions made by forcing screaming with anguish: ... A person can not live within a single emotion. When the world gathers unprecedented cash Dark Knight, F. B. making a film on the level of the first Batman. Although what's the first Batman.
Although it's me. God be with him, with the next breakthrough in Russian fantasy genre. Catch a movie, help collect Federal treasury, and that in fact the other, lesser-known filmmakers do not give money for a new film. And it's even worse than a half hour of torture dark screen.
Epigrams on news.
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6 myths for starting their business from the book Rework by 37signals, a brief overview, and in Russian!
For those who have not found the Russian translation in electronic form and can not read, listen to the English version, or does not know whether to spend time on it, I spent time on it to make a brief statement.
The guys famous, successful, and what is most interesting:.
- They are very small ( less than 20- man);.
- They are mega- profitable;.
- They have a wide international business (more than 3 million users).
I largely agree with them and therefore want to give a brief list of some items, which are important to keep (completely arbitrary account, so do not look below the quote, they are not there ). These are things that need to know BEFORE you go to do something with my life and start a business.
Drive in on reality. These phrases, ... On this score should be and forget about it. The world is changing so rapidly that there is a lot of examples of how seemingly violated the basic laws. It's all propaganda. What do you need a sales department that you need a contextual advertising that you need an office, you need to hire people that need a start-up capital. Any such phrase that comes to mind you - you should also immediately be deposited under the slogan ... Ignore the reality and try to do what you want.
Try to find work items. Your task - to find a successful moves. things work. You can try, make mistakes, but do not forget that you can not learn from mistakes, you're looking for a way to success on the touch. By focusing on bugs ( well, now I know how not to do ), you may not get an inch closer to, to know WHAT the fuck to do?.
Planning - this is rubbish. Planning is important only from the point of view that as a process, it forces to think through the nuances of the future. And the garbage, that type of 3 months and 3 days will be ready this is - DOES NOT WORK. Although many. PMBOK. published) )) Instead of beating the wall and to achieve the planned match in the real, it is better to treat the plan as a list of guesses and assumptions, and try in every single moment to consider not planned, but the real situation and it is taken into account when making decisions. Yes, from this plan may change, but the result may be better.
Do not make yourself an idol of growth. Everywhere is falling on us to promote that success, it's when a lot of. Most of the company. Many staff members. huge office. buildings. ships. Porahody. Golden toilet. Nafig )) Here's to you personally want it? . You do not think that much more fun to create a small company that will bring you lots of money and fun to manage it? . signals. show humanity by their example.
Workaholism - this is bad. I worked in a company where employees feel loyal to only those who worked the longest. As a result, they did whatever they drank vodka, classmates sat in until it stops, and the next day reported what the terms of the problem and how do they stay long because of it till late. CREATE THEIR OWN THEM. There is a need for hard workers when management believes it is a feat, and there on their own - is that they want to consider themselves damn Hero. To hell ).
The illusion of business as a training for elected. It's time we all forget that the entrepreneur - is a special talent of some special people. There is nothing sacred in this. In fact, you're just doing something for which you are paid. Just your brain is under the pressure of propaganda from the Soviet period. In school, you say that we should study well, to go to university, because otherwise you will not find work. The university should study hard to find a good job. At work, have to curry favor, to have increased. Since work can not go, because there is no pension and nothing would have. Unemployed people have nothing to eat. They can not do anything, because employers are omnipotent. All this garbage sit down in our brains, teachers, media, textbooks, media, neighbors, parents, and so on and so forth. We're just getting used to the fact that all is well. Force yourself not to believe! .
If interested, I will continue and will explain the position of the other books )) There are many more interesting )).
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
One of my day
Morning bright light paint the walls the ancient Kremlin! . 31. Usually I get up an hour and a half earlier, but went to bed before 3 am in the morning and decided to lie. At the bedside a mess: the wife has collected all the trash from the desktop and turned it into the trash on my bedside table. On the right are seen Belarusian bunnies - have not had time to exchange the remains of a winter trip, and the edge of the plate - he basically lives next to the bed, acting as a mini- entertainment center.
Continue reading all of the new project ... onemyday. ru.
If you want to publish your day - write to me at. dima @ trl. su. or simply knock in ICQ. 15505479. (or skype. remarka. reklama. ). Each post will be accompanied by announcements of fat on your blog and many retweets. After all, everyone is interested to look into the seamy side of life of those who write in blogs.
The concept of a mobile phone for fashion victims
Watch for the most part, perform only one function, as represented in million of models and prices. Now watch - rather, a fashion accessory rather than a means of determining the time. In the same direction and move the industry of mobile phones. Those for whom fashion - not an empty word, could be put on the mobile phone itself as the most genuine jewelry, not hiding it in a bag or pocket.
Loud ringtones are often annoyed by others, therefore, often include a vibrate mode, which, however, is useless if the phone is not in your hand or pocket.
In addition to the touchscreen, the phone is equipped with software modules «Voice Activated» and «Hands Free». By the way, the idea for MobileDevice. ru have flashed before, but the new design seems well thought-out in more detail. The author of the concept became a designer Massimo Marratstso (Massimo Marrazzo).
Monday, March 19, 2012
Windows Mobile smartphones Nokia?
As you know, the world is now popular two operating systems for smartphones and communicators - is Nokia's Symbian and Windows Mobile from Microsoft. Each of them has its fans and its haters. Traditionally the first operating system installed on mobile devices from Nokia, while the second has a much wider range of companies using it in their devaysakh. Everyone was happy with this state of affairs. Nobody ever thought that maybe in the near future we will see the first smartphone with the label Nokia, running Windows Mobile. However, it is likely destined to be, as now, according to marketing director of Microsoft, John Starkuezera (John Starkweather), negotiations between Nokia and Microsoft.
Companies have not yet come to an agreement, but no one denies that it is possible. Moreover, the positive outcome of this case is almost obvious, since it is beneficial to both parties. Nokia will be able to conquer new markets and, therefore, potential new customers who prefer Windows Mobile, and Microsoft will increase the spread of its already popular operating system, which must swipe their main competitor, the Apple. We will wait for further developments.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Laminar Lightroom like a little for the iPad
Just a week after the release of Photoshop for the iPad, a tablet came for an application that looks the same as, presumably, would look like Photoshop. The application calls the Laminar, and the best way to describe it is to call him a lightweight version of Lightroom.
At first glance, Laminar looks like a compressed desktop version. If you look at the application again, the impression remains the same. Despite the fact that to see all the buttons on the screen is very convenient, it also means the fact that the switches and sliders are smaller on the screen, and when working with a stylus application is at times more convenient finger.
UI design is not getting better on the menu crawl. You probably know that when you draw in the kids use all the colorings of the proposed color. The interface Laminar colors provided in the form of interface elements.
It should be noted that the application is fairly rapid. We downloaded the two images and ... Lines, levels, color, brightness, and all other similar options are left, as in Lightroom, and all the elements are very responsive. Unfortunately, the image is updated in real time ( in the literal sense of the word) does not work, that is, you have to wait a few seconds before you see the result of the changes. It's annoying when operating in Laminar.
Channels, textures, text, and masks are not included in the application framework, but there are a number of alternatives to these functions. As we tried, we could not find a way to change the order of the layers or a way to make the layer invisible, or vice versa. Such a function is missing or hidden somewhere in the bowels of the program.
Application Price is only $ 2, which is small enough for the application of such a level. For $ 2 it makes sense to try to use the Laminar.
The second laptop Fujitsu with Penryn processor
Intel plans to start the new year, January 6, provide the public with its first mobile processors, Penryn, and PC manufacturers are preparing for this date notebook models equipped with the new CPU. One of its first Penryn- system will provide the company Fujitsu - this month we reported on a 12.1- inch PC LOOX R70, but now came the information and the second model of the laptop, equipped with 45- nm Intel processors. This is a high-performance 17 -inch Amilo Xi 2550, which is positioned as a desktop replacement.
Amilo Xi 2550 is a very high-tech model, equipped with ...
Key Features Amilo Xi 2550 is as follows:.
45- nm processor T9300 Core 2 Duo, 2.5 GHz operating frequency;.
2 GB of RAM DDR2;.
Video Card Radeon HD2700;.
two hard drives of 250 GB each, the possibility of RAID- array level 0 or 1;.
1 GB of flash memory;.
optical drive that supports double-layer DVD-ROM drive and media format, Blu-Ray.
Currently, information about timing of the appearance Amilo Xi 2550 in the sale is not reported, but we already know that the price of the laptop is not democratic - the estimated cost of the model is 00.
3DNews. ru.