After entering the. new Google Presentations. Who took an entirely different and more modern look, developers and designers decided to experiment with the editor of Google Docs, which is largely facilitate your navigation between services Docs. To try some very new features, just click on the. Here the link. Moreover, there can very quickly switch between drawings, spreadsheets and presentations. In general, try, test and share experiences.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Try a new in Google Docs
After entering the. new Google Presentations. Who took an entirely different and more modern look, developers and designers decided to experiment with the editor of Google Docs, which is largely facilitate your navigation between services Docs. To try some very new features, just click on the. Here the link. Moreover, there can very quickly switch between drawings, spreadsheets and presentations. In general, try, test and share experiences.
Friday, May 25, 2012
' What to read in the summer ' from ' snob '
' what to read in the summer '. from the project participants ' snob ':' By asking the question ... ' Here are just some of the book:.
About. Matthews ' anti-Soviet novel'.
B. Akunin ' Falcon and Swallow '.
E. Lemons ' Smrt '.
A. Loungin ' Interlinear '.
P. Heg ' Silence '.
History of the Google logo
Ruth Kedar has created a Google logo in the version that became famous and known to everyone in the world (the first attempts were made to create a logo, one of the founders Sergey Brin, is rumored to be using Gimp'a ). Asked Ruth what initially appeared logo and that's what she said:.
I was teaching design at Stanford University (Stanford University) in 1999 when a mutual friend at Stanford introduced me to Larry Page (Larry Page) and Sergey Brin (Sergei Brin). They searched for a designer who will create their logo design and website, and I was asked to present some preliminary ideas. They liked my approach and design, in the end I was hired.
Google wanted to create a unique logo that would distinguish it from other search engines at the time (Yahoo, Excite, HotBot, LookSmart and Lycos), and to embody their unique vision of the search.
These other search engines are primarily commercial portals and then the search engines. Google would like to point out that the first thing a search engine. It offers fast, comprehensive and, above all, reliable search results. It was innovative, algorithmically complex yet easy to use search engine. Furthermore, Google as a brand was to reject all corporate, the usual.
These principles have been created many different versions of the logo, which differ in direction and style. With each new meeting, we took the best of all options for the logo, which eventually led us to the final version of the design.
In the end, was chosen as the famous logo of all, because it succeeds on many levels:.
He was playful and deceptively simple. Logo designed in such a way that seems almost not processed and is easy to read. The colors look like child's play, but clearly different from the structure and rules of the color wheel. Textures and shadows of each letter are made in an unobtrusive manner, which raises them above the page and at the same time gives a sense of volume. They are solid, but at the same time, they present the effect of lightness.
Times-Roman font was primarily the Internet at the time, and sans-serif fonts are used extensively in the press. I wanted the font readability and sought one that would meet the requirements that we need - is rather complicated, but at the same time with humor and randomness. The selected font was based on the font Catull, the old font from serif- family. Catull borrows elements from traditional writing instruments such as needles and a chisel with a modern twist. Search - this is something that requires us to look into the past. Therefore, the historical context font Catull seemed to us desirable, since they create a bridge between the old ...
At that time there were two points of view: either follow neveb giants, for example, Sun and SGI ( all the letters from the family of sans-serif, uppercase and fat ), or Yahoo, whose logo is raw little- liked as the logo for the Web. The design had to Google to break down these points of view and lead to something new, then Google and wanted to.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Dollar for 32 rubles
Familiar for some reason, I ask questions about the increase in the dollar. Since I almost got rid of the dollar-denominated loans, and revenues in the Bucks, I fell uniformly for almost two years now and have reached a modest pieces per month, this growth is something I do not care. Paid in rubles and spending in rubles. Especially because 2rublya is 6% premium to the former price of 30 rubles, which does not allow the common man to twitch in the hope to earn much money in the currency translation.
Yesterday Judge staring channel, read the analyst. The overall conclusion - the present course is partially speculative, partly echoing current events in Europe and the U.S.. Speculative due to two factors: the need for tax dollars cash and other payments to the end of the quarter. The second reason is subjective, and due to the increased competitiveness of Russian goods. Although nafig is the absence of WTO membership, I was not very clear - it is clear that the Europe-USA will play back and the winter rate is restored to the previous limits, so that nothing of substance to push out to the west does not work.
On the other hand, amid all the problems with Greece, Italy, Spain, Europe became agitated. Plus, negative information from the U.S. Federal Reserve, which is not very much wants to save the U.S. economy by launching the game with a short-term liabilities. In fact the U.S. is now plugs the gap with short-term loans, since long-term needs political solutions, which can not be taken. That patch up the economy of means available.
Consequence - the uncertainty of the overall situation in the stock market was worried. The stock of many companies Popper down even when the positive dynamics of the companies. The stock market in Russia is dependent on global and fell yesterday as much as 7%. This is - time to buy. You can buy the shares only for bucks, which is not. Who would want to buy a depreciating stock, he must first buy dollars. Demand exceeded supply in Bucks. In general, such as the way it is.
Once the market gets positive statistics - all ustakanilos that have often been. It remains to understand how will this positive stats. Europe in recent years simply zhzhot. In addition to problems with Greece, which can not reach the default, Switzerland, yesterday signed an agreement with Germany to disclose the secrets of the owners of the contributions that will allow Germany to return to the country 150mlrd. CHF and thereby increase tax revenues by 10 - 15mlrd.
For those who like to masturbate in China - Chinese stocks on deposit at banks fell last month to 66mlrd. bucks - so much money the Chinese withdrew from their accounts to an unknown destination. The only explanation from the experts - tightening lending rules in China. Business goes on private loans. But, IMHO, the history of the dark. 66 billion. dollars in cash - a lot. This is not bonds, not stocks. It's a bitch, cash.
And in fact this whole question of what the crisis, most likely, will not be. There will be turbulence. Many times. Well, and Russia have to pray that oil does not fall below 90 dollars a barrel, because it is so laid out a budget for next year. And yesterday the price of oil has fallen to 85. And it is not good. For you and me.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Competition in Romania
And here is the. Startup Competition in Romania. Also at the conference web. NetKemp. The process has started.
PS. By the way, we were fed to the contest with a wonderful Romanian startup called Yobler:).
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Friday N4 - How to get a job
How to get a job.
Of course, all programmers have different skills, interests and ability to communicate and work requirements are different, but there are common elements that are useful to know and apply both the first and the tenth in a job.
Types of employment.
The first thing to determine is what is actually needed to take the employer to a new programmer to work. It is very important, and this depends strongly on the whole future life on this job ( as you know, the work of programmers do not work, they just live ).
The following motives for employers to hire workers on the programmer a role, in order of frequency of occurrence:.
Hiring of Alexander Matrosov. Previous employee resigned and someone has to plug an embrasure. I would say that this type of employment and the average expectations of the employer, and the programmer.
hiring Passepartout. When the range of tasks in the company expands from the site support to writing enterprise applications for. Linux. Usually the original team (and most often it is a one-man band ) begins to be missed. And the founding father, feeling that the powder syreet loins weaken, begins to persuade the leadership of (genetically greedy ) on the recruitment of ... I do not know what is leadership responsibilities as an assistant - the ability to keep a candle at the right time, waving a fan at the boss or the mouse to change the users, but it usually agrees and allocates some resources (usually half or one-third smaller than the . But in order to guide it did not think, programmer assistant will have to work hard on all fronts, sticking to receive and communicate with the most hysterical users, from which the chief programmer was tired. Be Passepartout - not prestigious, poorly paid and means to do a lot of work and receive little reward, since all the achievements you know who depart. But - thanks to the same poor conditions at the position Passepartout could easily get a novice programmer or even a student, to be trained in psychological training, which is written above, well, and learn methods of founding father for a future career. In short, ...
Hiring of Joseph Stalin. The bottom line is that when a certain number of programmers in the company there is a mess (because programmers are fundamentally incapable of self-organization within the company - see section ... What programmers are different from normal people. ... Unfortunately, the leadership has no idea that Stalin solved the problem of mess the only available method is not acceptable in a civilized part of the company and civil society - namely, the command ... So if you have tipped for the role of Joseph Stalin, and the phone you do not smoke and generally kill only the monsters in the Duma and in counter terrorism, it is best to refrain from such work ( how to fix the mess by the self- programming, we will discuss later ).
hiring Lefty. Lefty, in modern terms, this is a programmer who solves the problems of a great and unique way. Very often, the team lacks a strong algoritmista, expert database and some t. Dr.. , So the management decided, reluctantly, to hire Lefty did, that he rolbeksegmenty optimized, accelerated work, found all the bugs, etc. Dr.. It may seem that this is a dream job for any programmer - you feel that you are selling high prices, mentioning pleasant moments like Jacuzzi and solarium at the expense of the company, compensation for petrol at your plane and m. Dr.. But you should understand that you are waiting on a very large, exceeding the existing staff, success, and the incredible work discipline and loyalty. If the boss sees you for the unfolding of solitaire, I fear, his reaction will not ... Frankly, Lefty employment does not work, and organize consulting companies (Dima, hello ), and sell their services by the hour. If you feel that the accumulated knowledge reached Lefty, throw it nafig hiring and proceed to read the chapter ...
Hiring a cog and Shpuntik. It happens occasionally normal direction (usually the very of the programmers ), which manages to cope with the organization of the development process at least on the level of manufacture, and formulates requirements for programmers to clearly and accurately. Salaries and requirements they have adequately high ( with a bias in moderation ), the collective good. If you have not reached the level of Lefty, or do not want to have your own business, then this is probably a really good job for the programmer. But, of course, ...
Hiring of Isadora Duncan. It is not in the sense that employees are looking for gay (there is a company exceptions, but they are known to all ). Hiring of Isadora Duncan - is when looking for employees with special, entertainment talent. In an environment of bosses and managers is a striking example of a busty blond secretary, but his programmers in an environment where more specific requirements. For example, one oil company in the IT department took the person who drove very well in the. Quake. The IT department regularly with analysts and fought all the time lost, but with the advent of a new deputy chief of intelligence got a rocket in the head (well, what do you want to do the champion of Moscow Kwaku will go to pay less than the deputy head?). Can still remember the story about how a good sysadmin telling jokes - cause it happened, the boss in the dressing down, why backups are not done, and after 10 minutes of the Cabinet heard roars of laughter, and an hour creep boss and sysadmin on the eyebrows, embracing, .
hiring Blind. Previously, this recruitment is practiced in large plants or large companies, where strong HR department, and people from the IT department - is a type mice that crawl under the table with a grid. It is now less of such firms - are ruined quietly. The point of hiring blind, that you come to the personnel department, tell them that you're cool (diplomas, certificates, resumes on glossy paper ), to ask for more pay, personnel department knows that ... In the technical director of what the main problem (Valery, hello. !. )? . And if you properly will be bent fingers, insert the word ... Business. Intelligence. »And « Corporate standards », he said, nodding, asking about the loyalty and the company's mission - and your work - come back tomorrow in the IT department, attended the same paltsezagibateli and work as you can....
In general, the types of employment are all. Some people notice that kind of overlooked naipopulyarneyshy hiring - hiring relatives / thieves, but we're talking here about the conduct of programmers and do not write the book, ... Although about how to behave in a team where there is a ...
Good and bad employers - who are they?.
Now let's talk about how to define a good employer and how to get it. First, it means ... Because once the amount of money exceeds a certain level ( according to my calculations, it is somewhere in the 10-12 times more per capita subsistence minimum), an extra hundred bucks is not as important as good working conditions.
Some may disagree, but a good employer for the programmer - it is the employer who provides material and spiritual development. Under the material first and foremost meant money - not allowed to do when the wife is not what a mink coat to buy, and the kids at Disneyland never had ( this summer ). The second condition of the material conditions of work are. For example, in one well-known bank are paying very good money, with premiums not hurt, but the conditions are, frankly, not so hot - crowded, old and collapsing chairs, tea, coffee and sugar at its own expense. What kind of fitness program out there, Jacuzzis and swimming pools for employees.
But in. Google. ( in U.S. campus ) feed, sing, entertain, and heals the employees directly from the machine, so to speak. And in the same Microsoft, at an early stage of its development, the programmers were playing volleyball in the workplace, and sitting in the sauna ( it was Russian, most likely ) have discussed. HAL. So... - live work. It is well -known fact that people work well when get used to the work.
Since the material is clear - the level of salary indexation, promotion, benefits package and the conditions in the workplace can be easily estimated for another interview.
We need to show your desktop to the device to work! .
Now let's deal with the spiritual. As if this sounds pathetic, but more importantly spiritual development of the current financial situation, since it determines the future financial situation. What would be an example to bring to the programmer was understandable... But, that's - Playboy. I hope everyone knows that children's erotic magazine, very popular in the West. So, for a photo on the cover they pay a fee of only $ 500 (maybe 600 now - inflation is the same). But wanting to bare them on the cover just a dime a dozen, despite the fact that some of them 500 dollars a racket to wave or go eat or something. And the thing is that after the photo on the cover ( and just inside) models are simply snapped, quotes, go up sharply, let alone the ...
Of course, the programmer is working in other parts of the body than the model, and by the time it takes a little longer, but the essence is the same - after working on fashion design in the fashion office, having mastered the new technology is now in demand, you can greatly succeed later.
Therefore, choosing an employer, you need to figure out his ...
Apart from the purely spiritual knowledge is very important and the position in which you work. Sometimes it is to work for lower pay to get the record in the workbook, and a summary such as ... The fact is that even if you have the charisma and organizational skills, you can not go to a new position with an increase in (the exception is the transition of the employers familiar ) - this stereotype is very strong in the minds of HR managers and bosses.
Bosses are not the employers, remember that! . If not, then just remember that the term has long outlived the slave himself, and even long- abolished serfdom, not to mention the right of the first night (incidentally, it was replaced by the right to cut the ribbon... more unequal, but at least something...). And soon to. job. ru!.
The companies above average size difference between a boss and employee is very significant, it must be clearly appreciated. The employer may give you excellent facilities (even personal masseuse will be nice!), But you will be with them if you have bosses sublimating hidden fan of Hungarian notation, and an ardent supporter. Fortran. under. Solaris. With persistent nostalgia for the EU -1030 and ongoing depression, interrupted only buy once. BMW. M. 5 ( which, of course, you will only aggravating factor )?.
In short, the bosses should be able to quickly assess and prepare the... uh, choose....
The next time we will look at these types of bosses, as tupbossy, damnbossy, vipbossy, blabossy, and of course, the two most disgusting types of bosses: the cowardly bosses ( trusbossy ) and hysterical bosses, or psihbossy.
* Passepartout - Assistant Mr. Fogg in ...
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Madonna - Drowned World Tour 2001

Recording a concert in Auburn Hills, ichigan, August 26, 2001.
01. Drowned World / Substitute For Love.
02. Impressive Instant.
03. Candy Perfume Girl.
04. Beautiful Stranger.
05. Ray Of Light.
06. Paradise (Not For Me).
07. Frozen.
08. 'Open Your Heart' Swell.
09. Nobody's Perfect.
10. Mer Girl Part I.
11. Sky Fits Heaven.
12. Mer Girl Part II.
13. I Deserve It.
14. Don't Tell Me.
15. Human Nature.
16. The Funny Song.
17. Secret.
18. Gone.
19. Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Instrumental).
20. Lo Que Siente La Mujer (What It Feels Like For A Girl).
21. La Isla Bonita.
22. Holiday.
23. Music.
If you have a slow Internet, just click on the play, will wait until the first shots, and then pause for 1-2 minutes to the film loaded in the cache, and faster than the playback. Press play again. Or, for faster navigation through the Internet and download the video to install the new version of the cache. Mozilla Firefox. or. Google Chrome. Please advise if you notice that the film is removed, the link is not working, blocked - just leave a comment under the material thanks! .
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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