Gustavo Bermudez (Gustavo Bermudez) was born in July 1964 twenty-first of the year. This is a famous actor from Argentina, which is mostly removed in various television series. But that's why a person familiar with Gustavo Bermudez virtually around the world.
It is interesting that the very name of Gustavo Bermudez is already a landmark, because its value is interpreted as ... The full name of the actor: Gustavo Ariel Bermudez Riksyardi.
Childhood actor.
As a child, Gustavo Bermudez lived in the small town of Rosario, located in Santa Fe. It turns out that when Gustavo Bermudez was in college, then took a great interest in sports, and variety of its species. This fascination with celebrities present there was an ulterior motive, but because of the completeness of the complex. The guy considered himself a full and wanted to lose weight.
Going to College was given to Gustavo Bermudez pretty easy - he studied at the ... And his parents were proud.
Parents of the future actor (mother and father of Isabel Riksyardi Manuel Bermudez ) and could not assume that their son will choose a profession. In the old actor has never been.
Gustavo Bermudez was very fond of his parents, especially his father. It was his father taught him never to retreat in face of difficulties, and to fight for his dream. And when it's time to go to the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires to study, it was his father supported the idea of Gustavo Bermudez in the choice of life path. However, already in the capital, the young man initially complained about the difficulties to come home and wanted to stay, leaving everything behind, he started. But his father Gustavo Bermudez urged him to always go forward and fight for his dream, only then will it be realized.
Unfortunately, in the 1990th year, Father Gustavo Bermudez, Manuel Bermudez, has died. And although by the time Gustavo Bermudez was already held the man, the loss of his father was one wound, which after many years and could not heal.
With the departure of his father in the shower Gustavo Bermudez moved the blame for the fact that he never saw his grandchildren. But who knows, perhaps precisely because of this, and was born the first child of Gustavo Bermudez. But about that later.
In addition to Gustavo Bermudez family grew older brother Gabriel. He was a reserved person, rather than Gustavo and engaged in commercial activities.
Tell a little about his mother and Gustavo Bermudez. As mentioned earlier, her name was Isabel. She, like his father, supported her son in difficult times. Every time he tried to go back home and did not finish the job, his mother kept telling him about the fact that the choice has been made. You need to go to the end. Although she herself is, of course, very homesick for her son. In the future, the love of his children passed on the love of his daughter. But it is also about to be described later.
Way to the top.
Gustavo Bermudez did not immediately become a famous actor. Argentina has raised him, but gave no glory just. First, Gustavo Bermudez selling foreign clothes, which brought from abroad. This gave the money, but no more. Gustavo Bermudez did not see himself as a merchant or trader.
The beginning of his career path began to test for a television program entitled ... In the casting except it involved more than two hundred people. And Gustavo Bermudez became the sole winner and the lucky ones who have chosen. Luck smiled Gustavo.
So, after ... In addition, Gustavo Bermudez acted in the television series ...
But it was only the beginning of his career path. Then Gustavo Bermudez waited more vivid and memorable roles.
Such was the role of the show for young people ...
After the ...
1990th year, which proved fatal for the father Gustavo Bermudez, did not pass unnoticed by the actor. He acted in ...
But besides the fact that Gustavo Bermudez appeared on the series, he still goes to the podium. Thus, not only extending the circle of his acquaintances, but also personal experience. Gustavo Bermudez tries himself as a model, and it's great to get it.
Many famous actors in Latin America has not ever get to the big screen. They play many key roles in soap operas, commercials are shot in, do not leave all the favorite TV series, but... The big screen can not conquer all. Gustavo Bermudez was just such an actor, who still managed to get to the big screen. In 1990, he was in the movie Alberto Migros, entitled ...
But it was only the beginning. Since after this role, Gustavo Bermudez got a part in the movie ... Here, Gustavo Bermudez plays the young gigolo, which is hidden from their parents.
After this picture Gustavo Bermudez gets role in the film ... Here is the famous Andrea Del Boca, with whom Gustavo Bermudez will work again and again. It is thanks to her Gustavo Bermudez received his next role. It was a television series, ...
The plot of ... After all threads are addressed in this show were really new and loud. For the first time on television raised the topic of AIDS. Moreover, ... And Gustavo Bermudez played in this series, one of the main roles. Of course, the audience loved him, and his partner on the series famous Andrea Del Boca, who plays Celeste.
The next series, which is removed by Gustavo Bermudez, bears the name ... Here again, Gustavo Bermudez was withdrawn in conjunction with Andrea del Boca, and all because of their incredible popularity among the people of previous roles.
... Moreover, this television series was very popular in all countries, in which only broadcast. TV series ...
Glory is haunted by anyone. And the glory of the television series ... A year after the series broadcast on the television screens out the continuation of the legendary ... And it is not surprising that this show gets people's vocation, as well as the best novel, the television.
Of course, the audience waited for continuation of the ... In the series, ... But a miracle happened - Gustavo Bermudez refuses to play in the continuation of ... Surprisingly there was no limit. Andrea Del Boca remained upset the whole offense Gustavo Bermudez. On the role of inviting another actor - Gabriel Corrado.
It was a shock for the viewers, because they expect to see in the new series is Gustavo Bermudez, and nobody else. But Gustavo chose a different path. While he traveled the world, was filmed a new television series without him - ... And surprise of all, this show took the audience is very optimistic.
When the TV series ... Argentina was waiting for this look.
And so it happened, and Andrea Del Boca Gustavo Bermudez decided to play together in a new TV show ... In this film, Andrea Del Boca had to play a deaf-mute girl. And the incredible happened - a few weeks before filming, Andrea Del Boca decided that participate in them, it will not!.
What was it really - Revenge of Andrea Del Boca ... But its withdrawal from the new project, all the pretty ruffled nerves. They began to look for a replacement, to rewrite the script. Replacement was found, the role of a deaf-mute girl went to a beauty Araceli Gonzalez (she was also the cover girl ). Moreover, the name of the show changed, now it was called the ...
And a miracle happened. If the rejection of the shooting Gustavo Bermudez in the television series ... Moreover, the audience fell in love with a new pair - Andrea Del Boca replaced Araceli Gonzalez. But it was not the only innovation that captivated the audience.
In the television series ... His image changed completely. Previously, Gustavo Bermudez wore a tie in the movies, nice clothes and always suffered. Now, tie and suit completely disappeared, and after them the image of suffering and lost Gustavo Bermudez.
Gustavo Bermudez appeared before the audience with his gorgeous hair and wearing jeans. And this is what is most surprising - a new way the actor was a complete reflection of his character and inner peace. After all, pained man Gustavo never been!.
The series ... The picture was twisted around the world, and not only argentina admired the acting and the huge success of the project.
A year after the television series ... And there was a couple with Araceli Gonzalez, already a famous actress on the series ...
But, in spite of the ...
An interesting story is Gustavo Bermudez during the filming of the television series ... The fact that the shooting took place in the UAE, and there, far away from Argentina, Gustavo Bermudez polonium heart of an Arab princess. It was not a simple girl, a daughter of the Emir of the all-powerful and important. But Gustavo Bermudez absolutely not going to fall in love with a poor girl. Princess is so much lost its composure and self-control, not only nazvanivala Gustav, but was waiting for him at the hotel after the shooting. The unhappy Argentine actor offered his love and persuaded to go along to Spain. Gustavo Bermudez fought back from her obsessive courtship as he could. When the shooting ended, happily went to their home country - Argentina it was more expensive than before the madness in love princess.
Then Gustavo Bermudez awaits the work in the play called ... Besides the fact that he played the role of Romeo, Gustavo Bermudez also made his first appearance here as a producer.
Still, fans await the emergence of a new Gustavo Bermudez, and in 1996, the year he re- appears in the TV series ... The series was filmed in Argentina, namely the south of the capital, in a small and very beautiful town of San Martin de los Andes. This town really was very beautiful, perhaps, is why Gustavo Bermudez bought a small house there, where he lives now.
Besides the fact that Gustavo Bermudez played in the series' Allen - Light of the Moon ... Therefore, the role of his partner on the set of Gustavo invited a young actress from Brazil Vivian Pasmanteria. But, whether the actress was too young, or it has not attracted a team of... squabbling and shouting could be heard every day on the set of.
Quarrels and scandals have come to the point that Vivian Pasmanteria Brazil returned to her, saying that he would on the producer to court. She said that she blatantly cheated, gave the wrong role and not the fee. Actually she was a terrible scandalous celebrity, and all because of the fact that Vivian Pasmanteria not used to the pace of work adopted in Argentina.
As a result, I had to rewrite the script, look for a replacement actress and constantly attend court. What ended the last, remained unknown until now. But the television series ...
The next year was also fruitful for Gustavo Bermudez. He starred in the mini-series ... Here he played a judge on behalf of Romano Aliaga.
A year later, in the 1998th, Gustavo Bermudez acted in the TV series called ... Here he gets the role of a fearless Herman, pilot. ... It was after this television stories Gustavo Bermudez decides that he must take a small break in the.
Prior to the 2002 Gustavo Bermudez does not appear on television. Only in the 2002nd, he gets an offer worthy of his return. Produced by Raul Lekuna invites him to play an ordinary worker, who as if by magic inherits a billion dollars. The TV series was called - ... Here, Gustavo Bermudez is paired with beautiful Araceli Gonzalez.
Then Gustavo Bermudez has worked in Israel for filming the series ... Work on this project was completed on the twenty ninth of April 2004 the. The premiere of the show is ...
In the year 2005 appeared the series ... And in the year 2006 the band released one more episode, ...
A little passionate and pure love.
Gustavo Bermudez on television constantly appears in a pair with one or the other lady. His love different girls and women... depending on the film's plot. What is already talking about the many fans. But in the life of this famous man was only one true love. Why was? .
Her name is Gonzalez Andreita. Even in the 1984th year after appearing on the set of the television show, where he played Gustavo, this girl has captivated his heart. Then she was only twenty-three years, while Gustav was twenty. Andreita Gonzalez worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, and came to the set by accident - there invited her cousin, who was director of the television show. In the same year, and Gustavo Andreita began to call themselves the bride and groom. That's just really, they were married five years later - the eleventh of November in the 1989th year in the little church called ...
Andreita Gonzalez has continued to work for a while, but only up to the moment when it became aware of her pregnancy. The woman is completely devoted herself to home and family, and beloved husband. Gustavo Bermudez, in turn, maintained the family and enjoyed all the benefits of family life. Gustavo Bermudez says that his wife had never pressured him, and therefore likely to become the best friend and counselor. For example, his passion for tobacco Andreita Gonzalez took, as it is.
The couple have two wonderful daughters - Manuel and Kamila. Camilla, the eldest daughter, was born shortly after the death of his father Gustavo, and so became his consolation and comfort. Due to the crisis of conscience and of his second child Gustavo Bermudez called the name of his father - Manuel. After all, the old man never saw grandchildren. Manuel was born in the year 2000. But the two daughters of Gustavo Bermudez is in no hurry to stop. While his wife for more than forty, and together they dream of another child.
A variety of small things.
Gustavo Bermudez has beautiful hair, dark brown, the color of his eyes. He enjoys sports, playing at the club, ... In his spare time, prefers to do home repairs. Not because he wanted to save something, but just because he likes to make repairs. The actor 's favorite color - white, and his favorite number - ten. He is forty-fourth the size of the shoe, and listens to Phil Collins. Have Gustavo Bermudez and favorite book is ... Oddly enough, but the actor is even a favorite actress, she was Meryl Streep. And the favorite actor, of course, the Gustavo Bermudez also is - Marlon Brando.